Please see the online worship page for our COVID-19 gathering policies.

Are my kids welcome in worship?

Absolutely.  Worship is for the whole family.  For parents who prefer, a nursery with a parent-paging system is also available during Sunday morning activities.

Do I need to be a member to attend a class or group?

Everyone is welcome in all of our church groups and activities, there is no membership requirement.  If you're interested, please come!   

Do I need to be a member to receive Holy Communion? 

 United Methodists believe that the Lord's Table is open to all who wish to receive, there is no membership requirement.  Please accept the sacrament in an attitude of prayer, with remembrance for Christ's sacrifice on your behalf and with a sincere desire to know him more deeply. 

Should I bring a Bible? 

The Holy Bible is our ultimate source of guidance and inspiration, but we're not all biblical scholars.  It is always appropriate to have a copy handy, but you'll always be able to fully participate without one. 

How should I dress?

Be comfortable.  Be yourself.  Please do not be preoccupied with your appearance.  You'll see more neckties in Traditional worship, and more shorts and flip flops in Transformation and Fusion, but there's plenty of cross-over. 

How much should I put in the offering plate? 

We're more interested in you than in your bank account.  There is absolutely no obligation to make a financial contribution.  Should you choose to, please give out of joy, a sense of serving, or gratitude for being served. 

Will I be the only young/old/black/white/asian/single/married/etc.?

The house of the Lord is open to all who choose to come.  In statistical terms, our demographics match those of the community.  But, we're a spiritual organization, not a racial one and not a political one.  If you have a desire to explore your faith, you belong here. 

Will it get "weird" in worship? 

We invite the Spirit of God to be present at all times, but no, we're not "weird".  No snakes, no strange politics, no twisting of the Word of God to fit a personal agenda, and you will never be put on the spot to participate beyond your readiness. 

What if I'm not on-time? 

Better late than never! In fact, a whole bunch of people are late EVERY SINGLE WEEK.

May I use my phone or tablet in worship?

Sure, there are lots of reasons you might want to use your device in a worship setting.  We just ask that you make it silent.   

How do I contact a pastor?

Use the email addresses on the staff directory pages of this website, or call the church office.  Your privacy will be respected by all church staff as you communicate with our pastors by phone or in-person.   

How can I get one of those swell First UMC nametags?

Click <here> to go to our request form.  Nametags are free and anyone can have one.